I have had well over thirty nurses, and most of them were only for one night or one day. However, there was one nurse who always requested me when I was in. She would even stop by if she didn't have me as her patient to say hello before she went home.
"She always went above and beyond for me and I couldn't thank her enough for everything she did!"
Her name was Michelle, and I actually have a Polaroid picture of her fixing my IV poll when it wouldn't stop beeping for three hours straight. It was a really rough night but she had me and my grandmother laughing at her jokes anyway. She was probably the sweetest nurse I had and she was genuinely funny. When I had "Say Yes to the Dress" on in my room she would stay and hang out until another patient needed her. She was obsessed with the show.
The last time I saw her I was in for pneumonia, so I was on a completely different floor and unit than what she works on. She still came by to say hello and see me anyway. She always went above and beyond for me and I couldn't thank her enough for everything she did! She was so sweet! I wished all my nurses were like her.