"Even though I would wear bandanas and hats to cover my dome, not everyone was well informed of my condition and I was humiliated and intimidated when I was asked to take off my hat because of school policy." – Alicia, 2002
After Alicia lost her battle with cancer, her friends decided that students needed to raise awareness about the struggles that teen cancer patients face. Your classroom, club, or team can be part of a national Teens 4 Teens movement to raise awareness for teens battling cancer. By hosting a Bandana Day at your school, students choose a colorful bandana to wear on a designated day. Proceeds from Bandana Day support our Victorious 4 Teens programs for hospitalized children. You can even personalize your event by having it in memory/honor of someone you know who has battled cancer, or another illness, and reigns as a local role model. What better way for your school to “show their colors” for friends or family members that cannot attend school with their peers.
Alicia's "Bad Hair Day" Journal Entry that inspired Bandana Days.
Steps to a Successful Bandana Day!
1. Decide when the best time of year would be to host your Bandana Day. (For example: Teen Cancer Awareness Week (MLK Day of Service), or a special school event.)
2. Get consent/approval for the event with your administrator or club moderator.
3. Choose the day everyone will wear their Bandana Day bandana in school. Also, determine the times and locations for selling the bandanas.
4. Complete the Bandana Day Event Form at least 1 month prior to event date to ensure bandana delivery and selection. (ARVF will contact you regarding your personal choice of colors and/or patterns, as well as arrangements for shipment.)
6. Announce, Publicize and Advertise your event! (Samples of posters and flyers are available.) Be sure to tag us on Social Media!
7. Personal donations are accepted and will count toward your group’s total. All funds should be returned/mailed to ARVF in form of check within two weeks of your Bandana Day.
8. Most of all: HAVE FUN! If you have any questions, email us at [email protected].
Bandana Day Registration Form & Catalog
Be Creative! Do Your Own Thing!
Raising funds for the Alicia Rose Victorious Foundation is fun and exciting, AND the proceeds from your “fun”- raiser will directly support Victorious 4 Teens programs in your local hospital. Contact us at [email protected] for more details.